Linde Gáz Hungary Plc. – Network operation

Our company is responsible for operating, monitoring and system management of Linde Gáz Hungary Plc.’s network within the framework of an operation contract.


ur customer possesses more premises in Hungary and the connection between them is provided by leased lines. At the beginning of our work our most important tasks were segmenting and reorganizing the local networks and optimizing the connections between the premises. During the continuous shared work the surveying and developing of the Wi-Fi networks operating in the premises emerged as a request as well.

Tasks and solutions

Wired network
Task: In agreement with our client we considered as our essential task to develop the existing network and to use it the most effective way. The reachable target were managing the network transmission at an organisation level and building up the fitting network structure. 
Solution: We segmented the local networks according to the size and the role of the given premises, divisions meeting with the collected requirements resulted from the surveys and the continuous communication. We successfully cured the problems by flexibly adapting to the local conditions. As an example, making the most of the leased infrastructures and increasing the data link speed, we considerably decreased the backup times. 

Task: Performance monitoring, alarming, configuration management 
Solution: We installed a monitoring system at our client. All the passing traffic were taken over to our monitoring system’s control as well as the active devices, strengthening the transparency of the infrastructure and the possibility to locate the failures by this way. The system is responsible for the regular backup and following the changes of the configuration data. 

Task: 24/7 Duty and support 
Solution: According to our client’s requirements we were ready to serve our client every day of the year with full accessibility by remote access, local work in the site, or by professional support by phone or personal discussion.

Wireless network
Task: Regular auditing and monitoring of the wireless networks’ conditions. 
Solution: As it was requested by our client we could proactively handled the possible source of errors and the performance bottlenecks by the help of continuous monitoring of the Wi-Fi devices and the regular instrument audits. By this solution the continuous and problem-free usage of the wireless networks became possible. 

Applied solutions